Monday, April 6, 2015

Lunches: 4.6.15

I hope that everyone had a wonderful Easter! 

We spent time at my mom's house with my sisters and their families, and also at The Hubby's family's house.  I did not do any cooking or baking this year (but I did get a leftover hunk of ham with a bone!  I'll get to using that soon!), and we ate all of the hard boiled eggs (it's amazing how many hard boiled eggs 12 people can eat!), so I actually boiled some more eggs at home for us to have in lunches - and The Hubby is hoping for Hard Boiled Egg Masala.
Salad: 5g, plantain chips: 7g, hard boiled egg: 0g, ranch dressing: 4g
For today's lunch, The Boy has a salad with yellow cherry tomatoes, turkey, a hard boiled egg, and plantain chips.  He has some dressing in a separate container.  He has crackers and hummus for snack (not pictured, 24g).

The Girl has a salad with yellow cherry tomatoes, honey goat cheese, turkey, a hard boiled egg, and plantain chips.  Her dressing is also in a separate container.

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