Wednesday, April 19, 2017

Lunches: 4.19.17

This week, the lunches are not the most inspired... The Girl has her play Thursday and Friday, and in the meantime, we are just trying to get through the dreaded "Hell Week," where she has rehearsal until 7 PM each night, and then comes home and falls flat asleep...

Oh, theater.  How we love you.
Sandwich: 40g, applesauce:15g, peanuts:2g

So, today, The Boy has a peanut butter and jelly sandwich for lunch, with applesauce, and some peanuts.  Doubling down on the peanuts.  I promise, I won't feed them peanuts for dinner.

The Girl has a peanut butter and jelly sandwich, pear slices, and peanuts.  I'll probably drop a smoothie by at her rehearsal for dinner.  That's what she had yesterday and she loved it.

Happy Wednesday!

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