Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Lunch: 9.10.09

Double packing day again!

For the boy, there is a banana and some juice, a cinnamon sugar bagel stick, raisins, a babybell, some bug shaped grahams, tahini-free hummus and spinach whole wheat tortilla wrap, three mini pumpkin zucchini muffins, and some Scrabble Cheez-Its.

The girl has a three mini pumpkin zucchini muffins, some raisins and juice for a snack.

For lunch, she has a cinnamon sugar bagel stick, a mini fruit jelly, a babybell, some bug shaped grahams, some yellow beans from the garden (raw) with tahini-free hummus in the red container, some raspberries, a gogurt, and a spinach whole wheat tortilla with tahini-free hummus and ham.

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