Monday, October 17, 2016

Lunches: 10.17.16

I packed lunches on Friday and then totally forgot to blog... Jet Lag from 6 hours time difference is no fun.  I think it is almost over now... but I am now fighting a cold.  Really?  No Thank You.

So, for this Monday, the kids have pretty simple lunches.

Sandwiches: 20g each, grapes: 5g, apple slices: 8g, cookies: 12g

The Boy has a couple mini sandwiches with hummus and ham, along with grapes, apple slices, and some chocolate number cookies from Sweden.  His snack is a cereal bar (not pictured, 26g).

The Girl also has a couple mini sandwiches with hummus and ham, grapes, apple slices, and some chocolate number cookies.

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